Find CEP – my first React App using an API

Hello, everyone! In this blog post, I want to share with you how I built a simple react app that can find zip codes (CEPs) in Brazil. This was a small project that I made to learn react and practice some of the concepts and skills that I learned from various tutorials and courses in Alura (an Online Tech Course site). The app is called “Find CEP” and you can see the source code and a live demo on my GitHub repository.

What is the app about?

The app is very simple and straightforward. It allows the user to enter a zip code (CEP) of any city in Brazil and get the corresponding address information, such as street name, neighborhood, city, and state. The app also validates the input and shows an error message if the zip code is invalid or not found. The app uses the ViaCEP API to fetch the address data from a public web service.


I hope I can keep learn more and more and show some of my react projects here. If you want to see more of my projects or follow me on social media, you can find me on GitHub or my LinkedIn. Thank you for reading!
